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Voron 2.4 300mm custom design 3D printer. Build Page

Starting January 2024

It will start with the frame and 300mm bed install.

I did this in the kitchen since the counter has the flatest surface to work on.

I procted the granite with paper rolls.

Completed. Everything went well and is 100% perfectly square. I had to cut down  the four bolts to hold down the ANET bed and use a tap and die set to get the threads right. It was more work than expected but I took my time to make it perfect since I had no backup bolts for this.

I have since decided this bed would not be sufficient and have secured parts to make a heavier and hotter bed.

Everything printed to make a 3D printer. I am actually printing the last part now. The front center of the bottom skirt is usually where the monitor goes but since I will mount a larger screen on the top of the printer (see the blue case on the top of the pic) I am printing a second rear center skirt to replace it.

The top right are parts I reprinted for various reasons.