LED / Pixel Lights |
2600 Pixels - 12v 12mm bullets RGB |
900 Pixels - 5V 12mm bullets RGB |
900 Pixels- 5V LED strips 3m |
3000 LEDs - 5v LED strips (Dumb Pixels Strips) |
4 - 12W Cree LED DMX controlled motion lights |
60 - 3 LED 12V RGB modules for 50 GE large
sidewalk bulbs |
20 - 9 LED 12V RGB modules for 20 Big Christmas
Lights |
Controller Cards |
2 - AlphaPix 16V2 - Bios 2.8 from Holiday Coro |
1 - 27 Ch DMX controller from
Holiday Coro |
Power Supplies |
4 - 12V 30A 360W |
3 - 5V 70A 350W |
1 - 5V 10A 50W |
1 12V 12A 60W |
Equipment |
1200L 1080P in LED Projector |
5 Pelican cases |
FM Transmitter |
Big Christmas Lights |
Mega Grid 600 pixel for Anniversary Party March 2016
Test of Mega Tree 800 Pixels and six snowflakes 600 pixels
December 2016
Tree is 10 feet tall, snowflakes are 24" each.
XLights View. Software to controll the pixels.I plan on adding a
star later.
This is what a sequence looks like in xlights after a few hours.
This is Let it Go - from Frozen.
Controller card in Pellican case with power supply. Wired with 2
pin connectors for power and 4 pin connectors for data. I have
two of these.
100 pixel snowflakes. I have 6 of them, wiring them up was fun.
Video rear projected to the corner windows of a front facing
The wife's inside display is pretty nice as well.
Testing the mega tree.
I did so much soldering on this project I completely melted the
tip of the iron.